Saturday, April 11, 2020

Blog Post #11

You ever wonder is it possible to bring back extinct animals of Earth’s past? Well with today’s advanced technology we have access to such tools to clone or modify genetic genes of DNA & RNA coding. We are able to harness the power to change the biological blueprints that make all living things look different from each other. With this power to replicate any living cell or creature in existence we can use this power to be able to use cloning to practically make anything. The reason why this is such a huge accomplishment is that we can manipulate life which means we can create any thing literally anything. We could use this power as a way to create new life to benefit or use this technology to be used for biomedical research, technology, and engineering. With the capability of being able to manipulate life we could use it to our advantage. One of the main advantages is that most diseases that we deem “incurable” can now be cured with this technology. Since Cloning technology allows us to manipulate life, it wouldn’t be hard to simply make the disease destroy itself completely without further causing harm to the host of the disease. This form of medical care could possibly eradicate all of the world’s infectious diseases at once. This would eliminate all the unnecessary research that is being wasted on trying to find cures for diseases. This would be the future of health care and a huge jump in technological accomplishments that would forever change the medical industry.

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